Thursday, October 29, 2009

chickenpox infected

What up!

Man it's been such a long time since I blogged, it feels so weird..

Well on Monday, I went to school like a regular kid but i felt like crap. I thought it was cus I was developing the cold or something. I felt itchy and I thought my allergies to Joanne was just growing so I tried to avoid her that day but it didn't really work out cus u know how addicted she is to me. And so the day kept going, it felt like it would never end. I really wanted to shoot someone in the face. When 2:30 rolled around, I literally ran home (yes elaine, haha grace can run). I went right to sleep and didnt wake up until very very very late at night and I was at the hospital. I was all like w.t.f. Apparently, I got CHICKEN POX WAHH. There were red dots all over me and shit, i had two guy doctors checking me out all over. It was so awkward. When I got my medicine and stuff, I went home and that was my exciting Monday.

Tuesday came and I felt even more like shit. I got more of the red dots, they were ALL OVER ME. They hurted like pimples and itched like mosquito bites. Some of my friends were really sweet and called and was like HOW ARE YOU GRACE OMG U POOR THING, while others were like AHAHAHA CHICKEN POX U ASSHOLE, KARMA (joanne). Ooh well, i have to eat 16 pills a day and when I shower, it's like burning in hell. Theres new babies in the house but I cant even get near them or else they will be infected like me. I feel so useless wahh.

Wednesday was yesterday and it felt better than Tuesday but whatever. I watched 8 episodes of Realm of Conscience and I was dying of happiness. The series is SO GOOD, one of the best in HK. I'm so sad that I have to wait for the next episode to come out tomorrow. Other than that.. nothing really happened. When my friends came home, we had a chat. CC GOT CHICKEN POX AS WELL AHAHAHAHAH. omg so funny, she found some weird red dots on her back so she had her grandma check her out, and her gma sed it was the beginning stage. HAHAHAHAH THAT IS WAHT I THOUGHT CHRISTINA. yeah so i hope she suffers like me. I can't wait to get back to school and hug Joanne. Give her the disease as well. Oh yeah, we checked out some wikipedia pages about chicken pox and found this diagram that looks exactly like me! (look above) Joanne also looked up some smallpox pictures which was gross as hell = two joannes.

Wow so today's Thursday and the week is going by so slow. I'm drinking some soda right now waiting to die. I just finished a Realm episode, I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! Moses is my favorite character. Yeah I'm all cozy on my parent's bed typing this blog and itching around. I have a lot of scabs now, Joanne says I'm crunchy. Well tomorrow I'm off to Maddie Hao to see if I can go back to school on Monday, which I bet I can. I'm so healthy hehe.

Yes, so we were planning to do some intense hotpoting on Halloween, CC was going to sleepover, we were gunna do a lot of fun shit together but apparently that won't be happening anymore. So sad, I was looking forward to it too. I can't do anything this Halloween so I'm gunna go to the store and get myself a lot of candy so I'll feel better at least. Now I'm off to watch some Iris, if there's even noise to this episode!

infectious chickenpox girl,