Thursday, October 29, 2009

chickenpox infected

What up!

Man it's been such a long time since I blogged, it feels so weird..

Well on Monday, I went to school like a regular kid but i felt like crap. I thought it was cus I was developing the cold or something. I felt itchy and I thought my allergies to Joanne was just growing so I tried to avoid her that day but it didn't really work out cus u know how addicted she is to me. And so the day kept going, it felt like it would never end. I really wanted to shoot someone in the face. When 2:30 rolled around, I literally ran home (yes elaine, haha grace can run). I went right to sleep and didnt wake up until very very very late at night and I was at the hospital. I was all like w.t.f. Apparently, I got CHICKEN POX WAHH. There were red dots all over me and shit, i had two guy doctors checking me out all over. It was so awkward. When I got my medicine and stuff, I went home and that was my exciting Monday.

Tuesday came and I felt even more like shit. I got more of the red dots, they were ALL OVER ME. They hurted like pimples and itched like mosquito bites. Some of my friends were really sweet and called and was like HOW ARE YOU GRACE OMG U POOR THING, while others were like AHAHAHA CHICKEN POX U ASSHOLE, KARMA (joanne). Ooh well, i have to eat 16 pills a day and when I shower, it's like burning in hell. Theres new babies in the house but I cant even get near them or else they will be infected like me. I feel so useless wahh.

Wednesday was yesterday and it felt better than Tuesday but whatever. I watched 8 episodes of Realm of Conscience and I was dying of happiness. The series is SO GOOD, one of the best in HK. I'm so sad that I have to wait for the next episode to come out tomorrow. Other than that.. nothing really happened. When my friends came home, we had a chat. CC GOT CHICKEN POX AS WELL AHAHAHAHAH. omg so funny, she found some weird red dots on her back so she had her grandma check her out, and her gma sed it was the beginning stage. HAHAHAHAH THAT IS WAHT I THOUGHT CHRISTINA. yeah so i hope she suffers like me. I can't wait to get back to school and hug Joanne. Give her the disease as well. Oh yeah, we checked out some wikipedia pages about chicken pox and found this diagram that looks exactly like me! (look above) Joanne also looked up some smallpox pictures which was gross as hell = two joannes.

Wow so today's Thursday and the week is going by so slow. I'm drinking some soda right now waiting to die. I just finished a Realm episode, I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!! Moses is my favorite character. Yeah I'm all cozy on my parent's bed typing this blog and itching around. I have a lot of scabs now, Joanne says I'm crunchy. Well tomorrow I'm off to Maddie Hao to see if I can go back to school on Monday, which I bet I can. I'm so healthy hehe.

Yes, so we were planning to do some intense hotpoting on Halloween, CC was going to sleepover, we were gunna do a lot of fun shit together but apparently that won't be happening anymore. So sad, I was looking forward to it too. I can't do anything this Halloween so I'm gunna go to the store and get myself a lot of candy so I'll feel better at least. Now I'm off to watch some Iris, if there's even noise to this episode!

infectious chickenpox girl,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

exciting weekend

FRIDAY: on the morning of friday i woke up all excited because there was going to be a 2-hour assembly by a motivational speaker or whatnot. when i started to listen to him, i knew he was a psycho. he didn't make any sense, he kept jumping up and down even though he has some sort of disease, and told a bunch of lies. however, i felt a lot of pity for him because of all the stuff he's been through. at the end he was all like "today may be my last day at nqhs trying to tell you guys this stuff." idk i thought that was uber sad.

then, next couple of periods were as usual. during study i was going to go to biology to fix my board but i got too lazy and didn't go. when i got back to study, everyone was gone =[ so i decided to wander and organize my locker. got caught my eric tan and tony because they were skipping math too so we went to phil's auditorium study, meeting cc along the way. it was sorta fun, met this bird lady that could make bird noises. creeper, i know.

then, after school i went home and tutored and took a bigggg nap to prepare for that night! after youth group at church (where we watched a lot of nigahiga videos), we went to hillarys house and had a slumber party hehe, for her sweet 16. we started by playing rock band and all that, ryan taught me how to play level easy on the guitar! then we just chilled, ate, uno attack, etc. when it was around midnight, we started to unpack and got ourselves nice and comfy for the a scary movie called "mirror." ryan, flora, and angelina were the im-so-tough so they sat on the airbed, while me, jennifer, hillary, ellen, and wilson were wimps and sat on the bed with like a million blankets and pillows. the movie was uber scary, but flora, angelina, and me kept making funny comments about the movie which didn't make it that scary, it turned into a comedy in some parts haha. at the end of the movie, wilson (being only 7) got very sick and threw up in the toilet, gave him some tums and he fell asleep. hillary being the most scared, made me go into the bathroom with her. at night, me, flora, hillary, and jennifer were talking about high school and gossip. everyone slowly got knocked and at the end it was just me and flora talking. eventually, that beast fell asleep too and it was just me. i got so uncomfy being in the middle between flora and hillary, i was way overheated. next morning, WOKE UP NICE AND EARLY.

SATURDAY: continuing from friday, i woke up nice and early before everyone else because i had to get ready for the science fair while the others could get to keep partying grrr. after getting ready, i went out and into cc's car driving back to my house. i used my super camp showering skills and got ready in 10 minutes. we started walking to nqhs at 9:45-ish and then set up and all that stuff. in the beginning, it was so fun. i met a new friend, osama, he was so cool. me, osama, cc, phil, and chen played monopoly and everything but we always had to be on the lookout for judges in case they were at our projects and we were still playing. eventually at the end, i won with like a BAJILLION$. we ate from the food cart and stuff like that, yeah the "chilling" part was pretty fun. BUTTT, then came the judging part. my first judge was an old man that looked too weak to do anything so i was like, hey this is going to be pretty easy. but then it turns out he was like a super scientist or something and kept asking me these really difficult questions. at the end i seriously wanted to give him the finger and tell him to stop picking on freshmen. my next judge was a pretty EGL dude, he was young and everything and prob gave me an easy grade. my last judge was an indian man who spoke in this really quiet voice. i couldn't even understand him, he was so quiet and had such a deep accent. osama was like "you should have said 'chicken gooooooooooood" and then he would have given you a 100." whatever, at least i got through science fair!

and my mom just got a phone call saying peter and jim's not going to be coming to my house for a really long time. im very sad. =[

Monday, March 2, 2009

boys over flowers

boys over flowers, one of the best korean series everr! so last night when i found out that there was a snow day, i gave up on homework and started watching BOF or some people call it BBF. then in one of those daily chats minh makes, i told clo, shirley, minh, and joanne to join the fun and start watching the series. after a few minutes of persuasion, they started watching it. YAY! they all liked it at first, shirley cries in every episode. most of us stayed up until 6 watching it. needless to say, we were all KNOCKED and me and shirley didn't wake until 3 (me) and 5 (shirley) pm. HAHA yes the minute we woke up, we started watching it all over again. <3 joanne being the retard that she is, gave up on the series and stopped watching.

oh yeah sunday, went to church the usual. so gay, me and hillary might not be able to go to the april trip because the guest speaker for that day was a friggen tatteltaler. he told on the adults that we weren't paying attention to his long message/speech that day. dude, who would? hes so boring. i rather watch skittles all day. he should be glad we didn't do the stuff we did to the other speakers, like read magazines. all we did was text and pass little notes. GUESS WHAT, >=O I DONT EVEN WANT TO GO. suck on that.

today snow day, fob fob fob. about to do my stupid spanish story. oh yeah and recently, i've been so hooked on the piano i dont know why. learning how to play love story, so hard for my 3 yrs of non-practicing.

i love curly (from BOF),
grace.. :O

Thursday, February 26, 2009

excuse me mamaaaaa (best song ever)

nothing majorly exciting has been happening at school, can't wait for april vacation already. so yesterday this dude named cory came to talk about drunk driving to us. everyone started getting wicked teary when he told us the story of how he killed his two best friends, pj and mike. LOL. it was really sad, he was getting all choked up in the front. i'm never ever gunna drink even if im 21 >=[

oh and then after school, i went to uplift with a couple of other people. dude, the kids at uplift were so rude! i went to this little table and was like "hey kids" and then this 5th grader was like, "you don't need to call us kids.. you don't look that much older than us" with like the ugliest, snobbiest face ever. i wanted to smack her ugly big puffy face and disgusting overly-blue-eyeshadowed eyes and tell her to sthu. i ignored that girl for the rest of the day, but i saw her kept looking at me, what a loser. i hope gui and shirley can work with me next week so then we three can give her the dirtiest looks back. then there was these other cute kids i made biffles with, like gary and mindy and wilson. CUTEE. it was a really long 3-hr thing though, everyone there was so unsocial! it was like a homework funeral.

yep, so im eating chicken right now thinking what happened at school today. spanish boring, childcare boring, geometry boring, english boring, history OMG. so joanne wouldn't stop singing miley cyrus fly on the wall today, it was soo annoying. it got stuck on my head and right when i got home, i had to go on youtube to listen to it. urghh. study boring, bio LOL. bio was hilarious, luke and phil kept talking about their dogs, and mariam about her cat.

phil quotes: "luke, we don't have dogs. we have cats" "luke, it's time. take out ur sex chromosomes" "luke, our boy has hemophilia" "luke, stop stealing other people's sex chromosomes"

oh yeah, fob series getting really good. hehehe.

gracee.. =D

Monday, February 23, 2009

boring school day

i just woke up from a HUGEEE nap/coma because i had an all-nighter with cc doing the friggen science fair.. can't even scream "im free" down the halls because i'm not. anyway, my day :

1. spanish - wicked boring, kept talking about this project we're about to do.. working with joanne, kelly, cc. haha sorry minh, you can have fun with neyo. tiredness didn't kick in yet, so i wasn't falling asleep in class. oh yeah, saw will lunny's new haircut, D.I.E.D.

2. childcare - crystal kept making fun of my retro armbands but that's ok. she has no taste anyways. took notes as always, stupid crystal just sat there being the retard that she is. i sat right next to her and she was passing little yellow notes to me. i wasn't even laughing at them and she was literally ROFL. then her stomach started killing her, i hope it never stops. o and yes for her birthday, i am making rice for crystal.

3. geometry - SUPER boring.. the class where i started to fall asleep in. i don't get math at all, probably going to fail quiz. was watching christina sleep from way across the room. she had the funniest position going on. teacher wasn't in the room a lot towards end of class, so we were just talking. stan ate a pixie, which got her really high. phil got really annoyed by our voices and started getting a headache.

4. lunch - ate mitchell's fries, talked, chilled, so funny. i was fake punching people which made them flinch, shirley was attempting it but she couldn't master it. too bad shirley. told a lot of people how crystal cried over food, everyone thought she was a retard. hehe. oh yeah then i got wall raped by crystal and pushed and bullied. i wanted to cry but i'm not a pussy like crystal.

5. english - sub.. yeah i just wanted to feed her when i saw her. sat next to cc and andy.. talked about a lot of random stuff. it was kind of fun and interesting.

6. history - so boring, was falling asleep but jason ratted me out. got stuck in a group with paul and sam doody, fun..

7. study - study was alrite, told jason tan that he was having incest with joanne but he didn't believe me. oh well, when they have messed up babies, i warned them. went hardcore for last minute logbook touches, then was forced to pass it in later. rizzy tried to read my science stuff, he didn't understand anything.

8. biology - zzzz. watched a gay movie that everyone just slept through. oh yeah talked to luke a lot too HAHA.

yep, so that's it about my day. about to start homework and all that.. oh yeah i was just talking to clo, hehe funny stuff. showed me a couple of videos on youtube. HILARIOUS. "can i have yo numbah" "rihanna vs. chris" LOL i lovee you clo.

gracee... <3

Thursday, February 19, 2009

bangout #2

today was clo's bangout.. bangout #2 because it's in february. woke up wicked early in the morning, ate some spam, and basically ran out of the house. first, i went downtown to get clo's present (: which i managed to find in like 10 minutes. hehe skills. then hopped back on the train and bus to go to ssp. saw a couple of fobs that were standing in front of the bus station spazzing over how they were standing in front of a braintree sign.

at the bangout, i started shopping alone.. so sad. haha i went to brookstone and got my dad a present because his birthday's coming up! feb 21, don't forget it. anyways, i had to lug around that big box, it was seriously the size of joanne. oh and i also got my arm things that i've been wanting for centuries yay. i met up with the others later and looked around stuff. at the movies, confessions of a shopaholic, such a cute movie. there were some pretty ugly people in the movie, but whatever. sat next to rosemary and crystal again. they were doing the typical stuff, crystal going way over emotional about the movie, rosemary secretly texting under her jacket.

after the movie, we walked to 99 and had dinner there. we were supposed to go to rock bottom but closed down for some weird reason. before we got our food, me and crystal had this semi-deep talk which made her cry HAHA i know she has issues.. the food was great and then we all ate until we looked 6-month pregnant. nobody really finished their food, too full.

now i'm home and some lame second grader is sleeping over my house again. whee, so excited for tonight.. probably going to play barbie all night long. still didn't touch my science fair project yet, but don't want to talk about that (:

oh yeah, i don't really have a facebook guys. flora was being very bored and mad that i had crystal post some ugly pictures of her online so she got back at me by ruining my no-facebook rep and made me a facebook. oh well, going to learn how to disable it or whatever. hehe.

worn out,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

clo's partay

Soo haha after not sleeping for the entire night from excitement that clo was coming back to quincy and her party was tomorrow, the time was finally here! i walked to eric's house which is supposed to be pretty near, but man it was tiring. when i walked in, i completely trampled over everyone and ran to clo. i guess my 'surprise attack' wasn't really surprising, but hey i had fun. LOL.

at the party, we just chilled and talked. singstar a lot (beating joanne like 3 times was a highlight of my day) and mini conversations on the stairs were pretty fun too. the attempt at scary-story-telling was funny, but the real scary part was when anna and emily hid in a room which almost made me, joanne, and clo pee ourselves.

the day was pretty great with clo being back and stuff, it kind of feels like she never left hehe. can't wait to spend more days this week with clo, especially with that special bangout on thursday, its gunna be friggen amazing.

loving every second being with clo,

p.s. oh yeah haha i made a dent in the middle of joanne's head today from hitting it too hard. told you not to mess with me joanne, more dents to come (:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy valentines day

Haha, yay my first entry! Got peer pressured from joanne into getting one, oh well. cuz when we go back to these old posts, we'd be like ohh good times good times hehe.

so my best friend from seattle, the one and only clo, is coming back to quincy after like 8 months of not seeing her. i can't wait, only a couple more hours left. haha got the tingly feeling. i planned the perfect present for her, not going to say what thoughhhh, its tempting you isn't it clo.

skipped school today because me and cc were too lazy to finish our science fair projects. i know, FAIL. my dad was happier than me when i told him i was going to skip. he was like "oh finally, i dont have to drive you to school." what an.. encouraging dad. today's friday the 13th, so typical, freshman beat down day. stupid upperclassmen hating on the little ones. heard that a little blonde kid got beaten up so bad, but i bet he deserved it. sounds like a tard to me.

woke up by two obnoxious kids by the names of eric tan and nelson this morning.. it was mad awkward. they called me and had random conversations. found out nelson takes the longest bathroom session, he could probably make it to the guiness world records. he claims he was playing with his phone, but seriously.. we know the truth.

while baby peter and jim were dancing in the living room today (i know, ultra cute), i learned how to make chicken teriyaki from my skillful mom haha. ate it for dinner, man so scrumptious. i know, im naturally talented LOL. (omg ew did you know that there's chicken teriyaki flavored water..) what can i say about peter and jim, they're like part of my life. i love them so much, even though people say i'm a pedofile, they just jealous they dont get to hang around the coolest toddlers on the block.

my little asian friend, joanne, is still awake haha was just talking to her about clothes and stuff. man, she interrupts my fob series like crazy. vacation starts today, planning to have mucho fun, especially since the snow is finally melting. ugh so sick of the snow, making my converse all disgusting. oh yeah, i plan to catch up on gossip girl, one tree hill, and smallville too because joanne and shirley keep nagging me about it. i can't wait to finish it and be like "WHAT NOW BITCH" in their faces.

update more next time,
graceee... :]