Thursday, February 19, 2009

bangout #2

today was clo's bangout.. bangout #2 because it's in february. woke up wicked early in the morning, ate some spam, and basically ran out of the house. first, i went downtown to get clo's present (: which i managed to find in like 10 minutes. hehe skills. then hopped back on the train and bus to go to ssp. saw a couple of fobs that were standing in front of the bus station spazzing over how they were standing in front of a braintree sign.

at the bangout, i started shopping alone.. so sad. haha i went to brookstone and got my dad a present because his birthday's coming up! feb 21, don't forget it. anyways, i had to lug around that big box, it was seriously the size of joanne. oh and i also got my arm things that i've been wanting for centuries yay. i met up with the others later and looked around stuff. at the movies, confessions of a shopaholic, such a cute movie. there were some pretty ugly people in the movie, but whatever. sat next to rosemary and crystal again. they were doing the typical stuff, crystal going way over emotional about the movie, rosemary secretly texting under her jacket.

after the movie, we walked to 99 and had dinner there. we were supposed to go to rock bottom but closed down for some weird reason. before we got our food, me and crystal had this semi-deep talk which made her cry HAHA i know she has issues.. the food was great and then we all ate until we looked 6-month pregnant. nobody really finished their food, too full.

now i'm home and some lame second grader is sleeping over my house again. whee, so excited for tonight.. probably going to play barbie all night long. still didn't touch my science fair project yet, but don't want to talk about that (:

oh yeah, i don't really have a facebook guys. flora was being very bored and mad that i had crystal post some ugly pictures of her online so she got back at me by ruining my no-facebook rep and made me a facebook. oh well, going to learn how to disable it or whatever. hehe.

worn out,


  1. ohmygosh. LOL i actually cried this day! =( like a few times

  2. LOL, The adventures of Grace Wong. Would love to enjoy this "drama" everyday.

  3. wth, that movie was based on a book?! WTH?

  4. phil, i loved that movie and book ok. your movie was gay. yes suck on that stupid mall copper!

  5. grace be quiet. at least I dont read weirdo books like you do. you know wat I'm talking about =O

  6. i have no idea what you're talking about phil, you're going psycho. anyways, at least i don't pick a 700 pg book to read for fun, reeeeal gay. it's ok though phil, you can still be my friend.

  7. =O YEAH WELL, at least I dont put up pictures of baby victims on the Internet and expose em. >:|

  8. stop being so jealous about my peter, because all you got is that 700-page book that you still need to read for fun!
    SuperKrzyPenguin: I need to think
    SuperKrzyPenguin: of a witty
    SuperKrzyPenguin: comeback
    SuperKrzyPenguin: >:O
    SuperKrzyPenguin: shut up for a moment
    nice cover phil HAHA!

  9. AGH NO ... I dont lose, you dont win, this is a draw. GOT IT GRACE? >=O

  10. HAHA WHAT A LOSER COMMENT! I WIN I WIN! phil u fail in fights with me LOL


  11. my blog is dead. LOL.
    i only read your blogs cause
    your life is so exciting grace.

  12. Phil you just gave up in a man's war

  13. clo we did the same exact things today LOL
    oh and minh, i know right. phil what a disgrace to all men.

  14. LOL ur still up? Get on IM, I'm bored as fuck.

  15. Shut the hell up minh. You too julian. and especially grace. you cheated. and you know it.
