Saturday, March 7, 2009

exciting weekend

FRIDAY: on the morning of friday i woke up all excited because there was going to be a 2-hour assembly by a motivational speaker or whatnot. when i started to listen to him, i knew he was a psycho. he didn't make any sense, he kept jumping up and down even though he has some sort of disease, and told a bunch of lies. however, i felt a lot of pity for him because of all the stuff he's been through. at the end he was all like "today may be my last day at nqhs trying to tell you guys this stuff." idk i thought that was uber sad.

then, next couple of periods were as usual. during study i was going to go to biology to fix my board but i got too lazy and didn't go. when i got back to study, everyone was gone =[ so i decided to wander and organize my locker. got caught my eric tan and tony because they were skipping math too so we went to phil's auditorium study, meeting cc along the way. it was sorta fun, met this bird lady that could make bird noises. creeper, i know.

then, after school i went home and tutored and took a bigggg nap to prepare for that night! after youth group at church (where we watched a lot of nigahiga videos), we went to hillarys house and had a slumber party hehe, for her sweet 16. we started by playing rock band and all that, ryan taught me how to play level easy on the guitar! then we just chilled, ate, uno attack, etc. when it was around midnight, we started to unpack and got ourselves nice and comfy for the a scary movie called "mirror." ryan, flora, and angelina were the im-so-tough so they sat on the airbed, while me, jennifer, hillary, ellen, and wilson were wimps and sat on the bed with like a million blankets and pillows. the movie was uber scary, but flora, angelina, and me kept making funny comments about the movie which didn't make it that scary, it turned into a comedy in some parts haha. at the end of the movie, wilson (being only 7) got very sick and threw up in the toilet, gave him some tums and he fell asleep. hillary being the most scared, made me go into the bathroom with her. at night, me, flora, hillary, and jennifer were talking about high school and gossip. everyone slowly got knocked and at the end it was just me and flora talking. eventually, that beast fell asleep too and it was just me. i got so uncomfy being in the middle between flora and hillary, i was way overheated. next morning, WOKE UP NICE AND EARLY.

SATURDAY: continuing from friday, i woke up nice and early before everyone else because i had to get ready for the science fair while the others could get to keep partying grrr. after getting ready, i went out and into cc's car driving back to my house. i used my super camp showering skills and got ready in 10 minutes. we started walking to nqhs at 9:45-ish and then set up and all that stuff. in the beginning, it was so fun. i met a new friend, osama, he was so cool. me, osama, cc, phil, and chen played monopoly and everything but we always had to be on the lookout for judges in case they were at our projects and we were still playing. eventually at the end, i won with like a BAJILLION$. we ate from the food cart and stuff like that, yeah the "chilling" part was pretty fun. BUTTT, then came the judging part. my first judge was an old man that looked too weak to do anything so i was like, hey this is going to be pretty easy. but then it turns out he was like a super scientist or something and kept asking me these really difficult questions. at the end i seriously wanted to give him the finger and tell him to stop picking on freshmen. my next judge was a pretty EGL dude, he was young and everything and prob gave me an easy grade. my last judge was an indian man who spoke in this really quiet voice. i couldn't even understand him, he was so quiet and had such a deep accent. osama was like "you should have said 'chicken gooooooooooood" and then he would have given you a 100." whatever, at least i got through science fair!

and my mom just got a phone call saying peter and jim's not going to be coming to my house for a really long time. im very sad. =[


  1. i hate you grace! i cant see peter anymore! >=[

  2. Hey, I can't do anything anymore! Btw, it's a benign tumor. No probs unless it grows.

  3. wth you watched nigahiga videos during youth group at church? wat kind of church experience is that LOL

  4. LOLL so we were on youtube listening to this music, and then suddenly the kid was like THIS REMINDS ME OF RYAN HIGA and the teacher's like who's that? so we showed her some vids and it killed her. LOL

  5. you know how the dude said that it was his last day my bro sed that he said that last year too haha, that dudes crazily mental

  6. LOL really, haha im never gunna forget him...

  7. LOL ossama. gts (: w/ monopoly. he juhs needed andy's room and we wulda been 'fuckked' HAHA buht he stepped on mine and he got 'fuuckkedd' LOL <3

  8. LOL. grace you should be proud to know that i finally finished hana yori dango only the first season. it was 9 epidodes and it took me 4 months to finish it. LOL. (=

  9. wtf 4 months? dude i can finish 8 series in 4 months, ur pathetic! LOL hana yori dango, is that the jap version of BBF?

  10. yeahh its the japanese =D I LOVE IT

  11. ewww you're just like bgiang. the jap people are SO UGLY, they all look gay! you should watch the korean one! I LOVE IT
